Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Hot Air Balloon Trip

celebrated our 35th anniversary by taking
a hot air balloon ride over the Newberg, Oregon area.

From the air, we saw the sun rise over
the Willamette Valley,
a peaceful
and majestic


  1. I love that first baloon picture. I'm glad you got to go on that trip. I updated your blog and just put random pics of the grandchildren, but now you can put your own choices from your computer just by clicking remove and then add. I'll help you monday if you want.

  2. Hi Mrs. Martin! I found your blog through Allison's! Good to hear from old CCS friends! Anyways, you flew over Newberg, where my alma mater is: George Fox. Did you happen to see it?! ;) Hope you are doing well! Happy 35th Anniversary!
